Tips Membeli Blackberry

By P'Dee on 1:31 AM

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Tips-tips yang harus anda tahu jika berencana beli handphone blackberry.
Tips ini bukan dari bakul pulsa, tp dari istrinya Pak Le

First You have to check is :
1. Asked who was his expert in the affairs of the Blackberry
2. Do not ever be tempted advertising "We are an authorized distributor and sells Blackberry Ber-Guarantee"

Keep in mind, RIM (Research in Motion) never sell his product called Blackberry directly to the store the store, but sales channels through the local Telco operators, telco operators and then appoint a third party such as an authorized distributor. And the selling was, usually Blackberry already had an existing logo operator in the country, or the local telco partners.

So there is no ordinary story or a company store disguised as a second party directly from RIM, so once again RIM ONLY SELL BY OPERATOR Telco. deliberately biar pake clear capital letters.

The case is currently widespread, especially in Jakarta, W * I pass off as an official vendor of RIM, RIM Where? RIM RIM-am ha ha ha ha, only permits Postel capital and other license permits, which had nothing to do with RIM.

So aja kalo careful to buy blackberries. Purchase the Operator as Indosat, Telkomsel, or XL (Vodafone), or a third party designated by the operator 3. Only 3 of this operator is not an official partner selling RIM's Blackberry. Other ... the lie of all .... unless the store or shop online store that sells blackberries, but they already love the early consequences of this reply BM goods and ensure the goods can be used with store warranty varies between 1 - 3 months. Well who like this could be our target to buy, because their prices are usually cheaper than purchasing the service. consequences cuman BM goods, and only store warranty. so it was wrote that could be guaranteed.

Do not like one store in Jakarta that W * I, not exactly honest BM goods direct warranty from RIM ... Where the evidence.

fact that there are many problems especially in the PIN PIN suspended by RIM, as pointed out goods EU (Engineering Unit) real real tester may not be sold. Here Blackberry PIN PIN suspend in 8310 found in the W * I that addresses the Ambasador Jakarta
so before you buy look at it again ya .. PIN code code indicated dikotak, or reply at the time of blackberries lit press ALT - aA - H press these three keys simultaneously. it will come out information Help Me!
Make sure no pins above the pin with the code ... or the IMEI 0044xxxxx beginning and no writing Engineering Unit.
hopefully writing chaotic gw can open our minds will rise to take advantage of the opportunity to rake in the narrowness of profit maximization.

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